Sunday, June 12, 2011


Second post.  I had posted another one but deleted it so I could write another one.  Last night Miriam and Mary came over.  I am so thankful for friends who come and spend time with me.  Then this morning I was supposed to go to the zoo, but I ended up not going because I wasn't quite feeling up to it when I got up.  Now I'm just getting ready to go to lunch with Courtney.. then maybe go up to GPAC to help with some show preparations.  Being around there is kinda a comfort zone to me.  I wanna see more friends tonight.. I'm hoping maybe I can get out and go somewhere. Probably not.. but it sure would be nice.
On a more uplifting note, I had a great talk with Alie last night about life.  She reminded me of how beautiful it is and although Ashton is not here to share it with us, we need to appreciate the fact that we are still here to admire it.  We can't take a single day for granted.  So with that being said, I am going to look up at Ashton and smile, then look around me and thank God for what I am surrounded by.  It really is a beautiful thing.

I'm off to lunch with Court. Hope everyone has a wonderful and blessed day.
Love always,

Song of the day: Don't You Remember- Adele

They say you get stronger in the broken places 
when you lean into the crisis that your facing
In your weakness your made strong
They say when you've fallen off a horse 
The first thing  you gotta do of course is
Climb right back on

Saturday, June 11, 2011

First Blog! woop

So I'm deciding to start a blog because I often have thoughts and feelings that I just need to express, whether it be in conversation, writing, music.. whatever it may be.  As many of you know, I am going through one of the toughest times of my life right now.  I lost my absolute best friend, Ashton, in a car accident on April 2.  I've had my ups and downs dealing and coping with this, but here lately its been a downhill landslide.  Its summertime, the time when we should all be together- laying out by the pool, going out and having fun, having "sleep overs".. just being together and enjoying our times together.  So I've really been struggling with that.. feeling very alone without her.  This week was real hard on me.  I made some poor decisions that landed me in bad places.  But now I'm getting help and getting better. I'm beginning to accept the fact that I'm NEVER alone and she is ALWAYS with me.  I just really miss her. 
But anyway, Now I'm getting ready for the Performing Arts show on Monday and Tuesday.  This will be my 16th show.  Although this year I'm only in one number.. unlike other years when I was in like 10.  But I enjoy being around the studio and teaching.  I'll be singing "To Make You Feel My Love."- originally by Bob Dylan but now Adelle does a great version of it.  Its a strong song.. means alot to me. 
Anyway, I'm heading back to the studio now to practice.  Then maybe Osaka for dinner.. nom nom nom. I'm basically on house arrest other than like Osaka and the studio.. so I hope some friends come see me tonight.

Love to all my friends and family!